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415 Million People Now Have Diabetes Globally

Updated: 8/14/21 6:00 amPublished: 11/12/15

Twitter Summary: @IntDiabetesFed releases 7th #Diabetes atlas – highlights: 415 million globally w/ diabetes, 642 million by year 2040. Also, 542,000 children w/ #T1D globally.

The International Diabetes Federation released today the 7th Diabetes Atlas, a major research endeavor highlighting the global burden of diabetes. The main takeaways? Globally, 415 million people now have diabetes – that’s one in eleven adults, up from one in 160 (!) in 1985 when only 30 million people globally had diabetes. By 2040, it’s predicted that number could grow to 642 million. Other key findings include:

  • One in two (46.5%) adults with diabetes is undiagnosed, emphasizing that far better screening is needed to get people treated earlier.

  • $673 billion is spent on diabetes – that’s 12% of the global health expenditure, highlighting the incredible need for greater prevention efforts.

  • Every six seconds a person dies from diabetes (5.0 million deaths), making diabetes a bigger cause of death than HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.

  • 542,000 children (aged 0-14) have type 1 diabetes, with 86,000 new cases each year.

  • Gestational diabetes affects one in seven (or 16%) births worldwide. These numbers on gestational diabetes are a new addition to the Atlas this year, and underscore that gestational diabetes increasingly must become a public health focus.

To see the rest of the findings, check out, and stay tuned for the full presentation of the results at the World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver. -AR/AJW

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