Beyond the Basals - Part I
Type 1 Diabetes News
Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic condition in which your body loses the ability to produce insulin, which is necessary for most cells to convert food into energy and regulate blood sugar levels.
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Talking with family members about their risk of diabetes.
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On February 23, Dexcom announced that it had acquired SweetSpot Diabetes Care , an IT company with an online platform for uploading and processing data from diabetes...
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diaTribe #20 – a special reunion issue and a time for reflection.
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We tend to think of people with type 1 diabetes as kids, but in fact, over half of the 30,000 new cases of type 1 diabetes diagnosed each year are adults. And, because...
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Kelly talks about and the changes 2009 is bringing in the way people look at diabetes and welcomes a new diabetes management column by Gary Scheiner.
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Gary Scheiner tells you how to integrate Glycemic Index (GI) into your eating habits.
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It’s often a challenge to figure out the carbohydrate content of different recipes. A new website, My Food Advisor , might be of help. It’s an online nutrition tool...
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We recently attended the three-day JDRF Children's Congress in Washington DC (June 22-24, 2009). The goal of the 150 young delegates (ages 4-17 years, who all have type...
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A racy ‘Insulin Story’ from the Big Apple.
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Big news: All new DexCom continuous glucose monitoring systems have been approved by the FDA to enable manual entry of blood glucose data during calibration. This...
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Dr. Eric Topol, genomics expert, redefining diabetes and diabetes care.
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After taking our first bites of Natasha’s Health Nut Cookies , our first thought was “these aren’t health cookies.” While many health snacks sacrifice the simple...
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Learn about anti-CD3 therapy designed to slow or stop the progression of type 1 diabetes.
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Students with Diabetes will be hosting an exciting conference for young adults (ages 18-30) with type 1 diabetes from June 1-3 in Tampa, Florida. The weekend will...
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Here at diaTribe, we know how difficult it can be to wade through the masses of diabetes-related information sources out there. However, a new website launched in...