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Type 1 Diabetes News

Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic condition in which your body loses the ability to produce insulin, which is necessary for most cells to convert food into energy and regulate blood sugar levels. 

Kerri Morrone Sparling reflects on the true meaning of ‘need’ in the global diabetes community…
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG, i.e., fingersticks) and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM, i.e., wearing a sensor) sometimes seem like rival technologies in the...
At EASD, Cellnovo announced that it had received approval in Europe for its new insulin patch pump. It will be launched soon in the UK, and its submission to the FDA is...
Dr. Lawrence Soler writes a letter of concern to the New York Times .
Blood glucose monitoring meets Apple’s iPhone: our own Adam Brown test drives Sanofi/AgaMatrix’s new tiny smartphone glucose monitor, the iBGstar…
Kelly’s take on the maddeningly slow FDA approval process and why things are probably getting better.
Eye diseases leading to blindness are consistently ranked among the greatest fears of people with diabetes, and the most common of these eye diseases is called diabetic...
We always love attending the ADA Postgrad meeting – an update for doctors and nurses on new practices in diabetes.
Diabetes on stage: Jim Hirsch tells us about Robbie McCauley’s powerful one-woman production, “Sugar."
Recently, JDRF has ratcheted up the pressure on the FDA to encourage quicker development and approval of an artificial pancreas (AP) for type 1 diabetes. In late...
Telcare's cellular-enabled blood glucose meter will automatically upload a user's test results to an online portal. Though people with diabetes are urged to keep...
The Diabetes Barometer
Kelly reflects on 25 years with diabetes, and her hopes for future breakthroughs…
Here at diaTribe , we are constantly inspired by the huge number of organizations working to improve the lives of people with diabetes. On November 14, the IDF will host...
Special Conference Perspective: James S. Hirsch on the Human Drama of Diabetes
Earlier in April, Biodel management updated the timeline for the development of its ultra-rapid-acting insulin candidates. As a reminder, in October 2010 the company's...
diaTribe 's take on the recent New England Journal of Medicine's piece on weight gain - and loss!
While Lantus (Sanofi’s insulin glargine) is the current standard for basal insulins, companies are still investing significant efforts to develop even better long-acting...
This article presciently reviews what we know about tight control - how many people with diabetes in the U.S. are getting there, and what it means for complications...
How can kids with diabetes most enjoy Halloween? Jim Hirsch shares his thoughts.
