Seeking participants with type 2 diabetes to investigate the effects of semaglutide on heart health
Type 2 Diabetes News
Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition involving high blood sugar levels and reduced production and responsiveness to insulin.
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Tidepool, the software nonprofit that collects data from diabetes devices, announces a major new project to drive better research and products from real-world data
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Launch by end of 2017 in major pharmacies at lower price than other CGMs; No fingerstick calibration needed, 10-day wear, 12-hour warmup
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Research presented at EASD 2017 showcased drugs, both new and old, that improve blood sugar management, weight loss, heart health, and even blood pressure
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People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes on intensive insulin therapy can qualify. A major win for the diabetes community following years of patient advocacy!
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The diaTribe Foundation and TCOYD host discussion at ADA focusing on access, outcomes beyond A1c, and future expectations
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One Drop Premium and Bluetooth-enabled Chrome meter available in US and EU, as well as 24/7 in-app support
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What’s new in smart pens and caps for capturing injection doses? Plus, two cool new health apps with built-in artificial intelligence
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A new challenge from Amazon and Merck calls for innovative solutions that use Alexa voice technology to help improve diabetes management
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Learn from the experts about how best to support teens with diabetes and engage in difficult health and wellbeing conversations
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How diabetes educators see people with diabetes differently – research from the American Association of Diabetes Educators conference
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Cash-pay strips with good accuracy and co-pay programs to save money
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The new blood glucose meter features less expensive strips, uploads readings to smartphones, and integrates with mySugr
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New Dexcom and Fitbit collaboration to put CGM data on the wrist, a convenience win and the third smartwatch platform for Fitbit. What else might they develop?
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Novo Nordisk’s once-weekly injectable GLP-1 for type 2 diabetes recommended for approval, given strong A1c reduction and weight loss
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A decision on Novo Nordisk’s faster-acting mealtime insulin is expected in late 2017; also launched in Canada, Germany, and the UK, and coming soon to more European...
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With Roche’s support, mySugr will expand to more countries and will even begin offering a new package with unlimited test strips and diabetes coaching through German...
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the once-weekly injectable Ozempic (semaglutide) for use in type 2 diabetes.
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Medtronic hopes to launch at least 10 products over the next two years: new CGM and apps, 670G pump with Bluetooth, AI, and more!
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Available for BCBS members in South Carolina and Arkansas, with Georgia coming soon; program includes an app, coaching, a connected meter, and unlimited supplies at no...