diaTribe interviews new ADA CEO Kevin Hagan on his goals for the future of the scientific and advocacy powerhouse and diabetes at large.
Type 2 Diabetes News
Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition involving high blood sugar levels and reduced production and responsiveness to insulin.
67 readers recommended
What this dramatic movement in obesity therapy means for patients in Europe.
54 readers recommended
DiabetesMine’s Innovation Summit shares updates on device connectivity, stigma research, the Bionic Pancreas, and more!
64 readers recommended
Combining pump, CGM, meter, exercise, and carb data in a cool new interface…
55 readers recommended
Twitter Summary: Updated meter has color-coded range indicator + provides feedback on glucose values, available at $19.99 nationwide LifeScan recently announced the US...
33 readers recommended
Integrated care, artificial pancreas, and personalized treatments – the goals of this innovative partnership.
90 readers recommended
Twitter summary: FDA approves Novo Nordisk’s chronic weight management drug Saxenda, another option to help treat #obesity On December 23, the FDA approved Novo Nordisk’...
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How this new standard paves the way for future artificial pancreas development.
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No single "diet" trumps them all, especially for people with diabetes. Instead, I prefer to think about eating in terms of general strategies, or what this article is...
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Kelly and Adam weigh in on the Sanofi Partners in Patient Health Summit.
66 readers recommended
Insights from the largest ever global study on the pressing mental and emotional needs of people with diabetes: DAWN2.
42 readers recommended
At ADA 2015, Medtronic announced FDA Clearance of MiniMed Connect, a keychain device that sends pump/CGM data via Bluetooth to a smartphone app and enables remote...
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The cost of a single rose will help bring life-saving supplies to a child with diabetes. Donate today!
Medtronic’s MiniMed 670G Hybrid-Closed Loop – Exclusive Interview with 17-Year-Old Trial Participant
48 readers recommended
Josh Airth, a 17-year old with type 1 diabetes, recently participated in a clinical trial of the Medtronic 670G "hybrid-closed loop"system (insulin pump + Enlite 3 CGM...
The “Nobel Prize of Diabetes": ADA Pathway Initiative Announced Its Newest Young Researcher Awardees
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Twitter summary: @AmDiabetesAssn Pathway awards 6 new young + innovative scientists w/ major research grants to pursue breakthroughs in #diabetes In 2012, the American...
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Current trial results show that obese patients using Contrave are about 41% less likely to experience any major heart event (e.g. heart attack, strokes, or heart-related...
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Twitter Summary: Wearing UVA’s DiAs #artificialpancreas in a 3-month study testing overnight and 24-hr closed-loop at home; learnings, surprises, next steps
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How his story helps shatter some of the common stereotypes about type 2 diabetes.